Thursday, September 24, 2009

Weekend of Sept 25-27

Hi All --

On Friday night Eric Lindell will be at the Pour House celebrating his new cd "Gulf Coast Highway", 9:30pm, $10.

On Saturday you might want to catch Johnny Mac and the Booty Ranch at Wild Wing/Mt. Pleasant.

Check out the Charleston City Paper, the Preview section of the Post & Courier, and your favorite websites for more options, too. And try to make it to A Dough Re Mi on Tuesday night for the jam if you can.

We're hoping to expand the Lowcountry Blues Club board with new ideas and new members. Please consider becoming active in making this club more of a presence in the Charleston area. We need new officers, new board members, new writers for this blog (the email newsletter), someone to deal with our myspace page, etc. We need your help! Write to us at, or find a board member to talk to at one of the jams. . .


Lmw, Sept 24, 2009

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