Hi All -
Dan Wright declared last night's jam to be the single best jam we've EVER had!! Thank you to all the musicians who came out and contributed to this amazing night! Those who were there had an unexpected treat in seeing an amazing new band give us a preview of what they do -- they're called Carbon Copy, and are inspired by Robert Randolph -- keep an eye out for them.
There's lots of great music this coming weekend. The Village Tavern in Mt. Pleasant is having its grand re-opening on Thurs, Fri and Sat nights. They're under new ownership and have re-done the interior, designing it to be a premier music venue with lots of live local music, as well as out of town acts. You can check them out on facebook or in one of the papers, and get the full schedule for this weekend's music.
Also on Friday, Scott Bucholtz tells us that his band called Mason Dixon is playing at New Moon Pizzeria and Pub on Johns Island, 9pm, and he would love to see some of his blues club friends if you'd care to come check out this country band.
On Sunday night, Dan Wright is hosting a benefit at the Pour House that will go on from around 6pm to midnight. There will be several bands, including The Tips, Mac Leaphart and My Ragged Company, and Dan Wright and the New Beat. The $15 cover will go to help with cancer research. Come out if you can - it will be a great time!
Or there's another option for Sunday night as well. Tyler Boone's Singer/Songwriter Night is happening at the Oasis. It's 8-11:30, 778 Folly Road, with Tyler Boone, Gregory Scott, Kara Hesse, and more -- lots of great music, $6 over 21, $8 under 21.
On the following Sunday, November 28, at Fiery Ron's Hometeam BBQ 1205 West Ashley River Rd....Let's send them to Memphis benefit show including the Rev. Dr. Johnny Mac and the Booty Ranch featuring Jeff Bateman, The Dan Wright Band, Jeff Norwood, Wyatt Garey Band, Highway 17 Blues Band, with Starling to perform beginning at 2pm. We are raising money to send the winners of the Lowcountry Blues Challenge to the International Blues Challenge 2011. Come out and enjoy the music and make a donation to the event!
In the news -- Recently, local musicians Leslie had their gear stolen while on tour. (Check out the Charleston City Paper for more info on this theft, and find out how to help out if you care to.) Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence, and many musicians lack the means necessary to replace the missing equipment and the lost income from canceled shows. However, with proper insurance, the working musician has the ability to continue to earn a living after a devastating loss of equipment. So we asked our resident insurance guru, Greg Hutson, to put together a brief article on insurance basics for musicians. His article, below, is both informative and thought-provoking. Please don't let the lack of insurance keep you from doing what you love. -- Dereck
We all need insurance…….right? Well as long as there are lawyers,courts and thieves the answer is yes. Some coverages such as Homeowners and Auto are so easy to find a cave man could do it :). But when it comes to certain specialized coverages and when you are dealing with the public it may not be as easy. The particular coverag ewe are seeking is Musicians Insurance or Band Insurance. Musicians Insurance or Band Insurance is specialized and should be tailored to your needs. This isn’t coverage that can be thrown into a General Liability policy and cover the perils of a musician. We will use the recent event where a fellow musician’s trailer attached to his vehicle was broken into and the contents removed. Such a policy would have covered up to the limit requested in the theft of those items and also could have included money to be used in renting equipment to be able to meet scheduled performances until the equipment could be replaced. It could have also covered liabilities if a performance had to be cancelled. Your lead guitarist drops his guitar and it is damaged - coverage for that can also be added. Suppose that guitar bounced off stage and hit somebody, what if the mic fell and hurt something or somebody? A person was just awarded a settlement of $650,000 because he was in a strip club and a lap dancer hit him in the eye with her shoe. Sure it will be appealed but something will be paid out and it may be that much. Wonder how much if a mic or guitar had hit him? You have a roadie that unloads, sets everything up and then the reverse at the end of the night. He pulls his back and can’t work, can you afford to pay him to recover and pay his medical bills or will he take you to court for lost wages? All of these things are potentially a threat to your pocket-book. Musicians Insurance or Band Insurance can cover all of these things. If you have it and never use it that is a good thing. The peace of mind and the business deduction is worth it. If you don’t have it and need it you may find that it will alter your life more dramatically than you ever thought. So if you are interested in coverage, seek Musicians Insurance or Band Insurance -- no other policy will cover you better than something designed specifically for your profession. A great place to start is the internet and I’m sure The Blues Foundation has some references. Most local agents will not have the knowledge or access to properly help you with this coverage. This is specialized coverage so find somebody that specializes in it.
Featured artists with birthdays in November are Dr. John, Delbert McClinton, Bonnie Raitt, and Susan Tedeschi.
Check out some of our recordings from the Wednesday jams at http://www.reverbnation.com/lowcountrybluesclub, and join us on facebook and twitter.
To get info in this blog, send all details of your event to lowcountrybluesclub@gmail.com, and put "Attention blog-writers" as the subject heading, please.
And of course, we hope to see you at the blues jam next Wednesday night at Home Team BBQ West Ashley!!
LMW, Nov 18, 2010
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