Thursday, December 31, 2009

A BLUE New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR BLUES BABES!!! Let us all resolve to celebrate the Blues this year, in whatever way we like the best!

This weekend is the last blast of the holiday season, and we should all go out with a big blue BANG as we ditch the old year and ring in the new one.

HOLY GUACOMOLE!! I just realized that NEW YEAR'S EVE is freakin' TONIGHT and not tomorrow night!! I thought I was just sliding this info in under the wire and instead I have left ya'll hanging high and dry with your New Year's Eve plans! Mea Culpa, my bad, and my apologies. In the interest of time and having run out of it, I will cut and paste and endeavor to post this BLOG without further ado.

At 8 pm on New Year's Eve, the Blues Doctor Drink Small and Smoky Weiner and the Hot Links will play in the covered and well heated dock on Bowens Island. This is a party you don't want to miss. Only $15 admission, full bar available. Great seafood will be available until 11. Oysters will be available as well! Old Milwaukee (the champagne of the Blues) and champagne (the blueblood of booze) toast at Midnight. Bring a sleeping bag if you're worried about driving or we'll get you a ride! Could there BE a better way to celebrate, or a location that represents all that is awesome about blues and the lowcountry? Wear your tux or your trunks, comb your hair or show up bare, whatever floats your blues-bound boat, but be there!! (I am going to be there and will be available for bashing with a wet noodle, verbal lambasting over my lateness, shivering of my timbers and hoisting of my keel exactly 15 minutes, then we will forgive and forget and enjoy the show...)

If you are not up for Blues at Bowen, you can enjoy New Year's Eve with The Wyatt Garey Band at A Dough Re Mi. Check with Stuart Johnson ( for more details.

Fiery Ron's Home Team BBQ — Sullivan's
Southern-tinged rock/soul/blues quartet Gaslight Street — singer/guitarist Campbell Brown, drummer Brooks DuBose, bassist Frank Nelson, keyboardist Jason Stokes, and various guests — recently celebrated the release of their debut album Blue Skies for Fools. "I think while so many bands try to be different from song to song and album to album, we actually try to keep it consistent to our blues/rock sound," says Brown (formerly of Live Oak). With a rotation of skillful cats joining in this week, the two sets will surely deliver some extra-special twang. (

Looking ahead a bit, On Saturday night Jan 2nd, Shrimp City Slim plays at the Dough, 8pm, $5.

On Tuesday, Jan 5, the LBC board will meet before the jam, at 7pm at A Dough Re Mi. Everyone is invited. If you want to be included in the driving trip to Memphis, which is Jan 20-24, bring $100 per person towards renting a vehicle to get us there.

Again, major apologies for being so late with this info. I plead ennui and general ineptitude.

Sorry-I-am-so-slow Singing SAM

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