Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lowcountry Blues Club News

Hi Blues Club Friends --

It's been a great week for music -- last night's Wednesday jam was awesome, as usual! Many thanks to all the musicians who played!! And Sunday we had the first round of the Lowcountry Blues Challenge, with four bands competing. Thanks to Tim Shaw for much organizing, and thanks to our judges: Johnny Mac, Steve Simon, and Jeff Bateman, for being there start to finish, and helping us to determine who should be in the finals. Thanks too to all who participated, and helped in any way...

The next round will be Sunday, Aug 29th from 2-6pm at Home Team BBQ/West Ashley. Some of the competitors are Jeff Liberty, Dan Wright, Hollywood and the Willies, and Jon Hager -- so this should be a really great afternoon of music for just a $5 donation. Don't miss it!!

The third round will be Sep 12th, and the finals are Sep 26 -- all the Blues Challenge events are at Home Team/West Ashley -- so mark your calendars accordingly. The winners of the Challenge will receive our club's nomination to go to the International Blues Challenge in Memphis, Tennessee.

Now, some weekend events for you: Shrimp City Slim plays on Friday night Aug 20, 6pm, at FreshFields on Kiawah. And Rob Lowe plays at Bambu. On Saturday night Aug 21 Josh Roberts and the Hinges, from Columbia, play at Home Team/Sullivans Island, 10:30, for just $5. Their newest cd is called My War Cry is Amor, and there are some great songs on it. They're not blues, but if you like some rock/Americana from time to time, check 'em out. On Sunday our friend Skye Paige and her band play their version of rockabilly blues at Home Team/West Ashley at 6pm, and that's always a fun time, only $5.

Of course we want you to come out for the next Wednesday Blues Club jam, on Wednesday night at Home Team/West Ashley, 8pm -- an unbelievable amount of fun, for no cover! We love to watch the Charleston Swing Dancers who come out in force, and they seem to love us too...

And mark your calendars for the United Way Battle of the Bands at the Music Farm on Thursday, Aug 26, starting 6pm, $10, with our own Highway 17 as one of the bands competing. They'd love to have lots of Blues Club fans come out to cheer them on!

Check out some of our recordings from the Wednesday jams at featuring artists such as Jon Hager, Wyatt Garey, Dan Wright, JoJo Wall, Tim Shaw and many other local players. The recordings are also on our facebook page under the My Band tab. And thank you to JP Jones for posting these.

Reminders: Join us on facebook and twitter.

Artists featured in August are John Lee Hooker and Robert Cray. When you come to the jam, let our jam-master know if you want to play a song by one of the featured artists.

To get info in this blog, send all details of your event to, and put "Attention blog-writers" as the subject heading, please.

LMW, August 19, 2010

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